Drum Lessons for kids in Singapore
Your hunt for drum lessons for your kids in Singapore has just ended! See for yourself how important a perfectly sized drumset is key to your child’s success. We have well-equipped drum studios perfectly suited to young children. Together with strong teaching pedagogies, our well-established and certified teachers are empowered and ready to guide!
Does the size of the drumset matter?
Yes. While they are adjustable, drumsets are designed mostly for adults in mind. Most young children will have difficulty with the pedals for the kick drum and hi-hats as they are loaded with a stronger spring. Also, the size of the toms also makes it harder for a shorter child to reach around the kit.
Vinnie Classroom equips our drum studios with drumsets to fit a child who is 70-90cm tall! And students also use drumsticks specially designed for young children. All this means your child develops good habits right at the start of his/her drumming journey!
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ANZCA Drum Syllabus
A good syllabus is important. However, only well-trained teachers can deliver the lessons effectively and efficiently. To do that, we got the author of the syllabus – Mark Murphy himself to conduct a training session for our teachers. All this to ensure our teachers are more aware of the students’ needs and requirements!
More Video Proof of our successful drum lessons for kids!
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million! Most importantly, countless parents trust us to educate their children in their drum lessons. The results speak for themselves! These same children perform in recitals, live performances, and video recordings. Because we have too many videos to share on this page alone, so be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and view the rest of our amazing students performing on the drumset!
Tempted but not too sure if you should take the leap of faith? SIGN UP FOR A FREE TRIAL LESSON!